Xi said he hoped Macao’s chief executive would continue to ‘unremittingly prevent and control the epidemic’.
Upon returning, all Macao government delegation members will undergo NATs on days 1, 2, 4 and 7 counting from the time of re-entry into the city.
In Hengqin, two sides aim to explore tax reform and develop major projects; Macao CE once again raises reducing quarantine to 7-days.
Ho Iat Seng and four of the city’s five secretaries all in Guangzhou today to discuss bilateral collaboration.
Basic Law bars government from restricting religious activities in the SAR; religious groups not required to register to conduct religious activities.
During meeting with new director of Liaison Office, Zheng Xincong, chief executive says gradual relaxation of travel restrictions should bring ‘favourable conditions’.
Government will keep expenditure restrictions for 2023 budget proposals, due to be discussed and voted on in the Legislative Assembly in November.
The former deputy governor of Fujian Province has also been appointed national security affairs adviser on the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the MSAR.
Report noted media were constrained and ‘political rights and freedoms’ undermined but praised economic performance and Covid-19 prevention measures.