Representatives of a group of Taipa residents who are opposed to a government-approved project to convert a small park in Estrada Almirante Marques Esparteiro near the Regency Hotel Macau into a petrol station, warned Wednesday they wouldn’t exclude “radical action” if the government does not scrap the plan. Two representatives of the residents – Rachel […]
Cultural Heritage Council Secretary-General Cheong Cheok Kio said yesterday that officials from the Transportation Infrastructure Office (GIT) had informed them that it plans to adjust the routes of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) slightly so that the Barrier Gate station will be built behind the old Barrier Gate arch (known as Portas dos Cerco – […]
建设发展办公室(GDI)主任陈汉杰昨日表示,预计拖延已久的凼仔北安码头项目最终在今年年底完成。 陈昨日出席立法会委员会会议后作出上述预测。 今年年初政府表示,预计该项目将于今年年中完成。 北安码头的建设开始于2005年,其原计划是为缓解外港客运码头过于拥挤的设施,但在2006年,政府决定,将其提升为对外重要口岸,以应付越来越多经海路抵达的旅客。这导致原设计需进行重大改变,即需设计扩建方案。 在政府改变主意,认为未来的码头应该有一个更加重要的角色前,该码头原定于2007年完成。但由于工程的变更,2007年北安兴建了一个临时码头。 政府在2012年年底表示,该工程将于去年年中完成,但后来政府承认因延误,新竣工日期将推迟到当年年底。然而,今年早些时候海事及水务局(DSAMA)告诉记者,GDI将在今年年中把码头的的某些部分交付该局。 陈汉杰辩称最新的延误“是由于各种因素”,并指责承包商和天气。他说:“我们将竭尽所能……推进建设工程,并要求承办商尽快完成这个项目。”陈还表示,海事及水务局将决定新码头的具体运营时间。 当被问及谁应该对最新的延误负责时,陈没有说明承包商是否及如何受到责罚,他只是说:“我们将研究[此事],然后厘清[谁必须]对此负责,然后依法处理此事。” 当被问及承包商是否将被罚款,陈表示,如果延误的责任被证实属于承包商,根据合同相关公司将被罚款。 陈还表示,尽管该项目的完成被再次延误,其预算仍维持去年的数字(约32亿澳门元)。北安码头的最初预算成本为5.83亿澳门元。(macaunews/macaupost)
Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) Administration Committee member Leong Kun Fong insisted Monday that the bureau had in no way been trying to cover up Sum Sum’s health condition, adding that the local team of giant panda vets had tried their best to save the giant panda. Speaking to reporters at the Panda Pavilion […]
Giant panda girl Sum Sum, literally meaning ‘heart heart’, died of kidney failure at 8:18 p.m. Sunday, just before her sixth birthday next month and leaving her boyfriend Hoi Hoi alone in the spacious enclosure in Seac Pai Van Park. The combined names of Hoi Hoi and Sum Sum literally mean “happiness”. The names were […]
The Judiciary Police (PJ) said on Friday they had busted two illegal gambling syndicates, one of which racked up HK$5 billion in wagers on the World Cup in a week – including a single bet of HK$40 million. A total of 26 suspects were arrested in the operation, which police described as the largest-ever case […]
Macau’s year on year inflation reached 6.16 percent in May driven by a rise in home rentals and meals outside the home, according to the region’s Statistics and Census Bureau. The Bureau said there had been significant rises in the categories of housing and fuel (11.98 percent), food and non-alcoholic beverages (6.04 percent) and domestic […]
The government’s top advisory has finished discussing the amendments to a by-law on overstayers, which raises the fines for visitors overstaying their visas from the current 200 patacas to 500 patacas per day Leong Heng Teng, spokesperson for the Executive Council (ExCo), held a press conference Thursday to announce details of the amendments. Leong said […]
Beijing University law professor Zhang Qianfan said Thursday he believes there is “no need” for the central government to issue a white paper on Macau’s political situation and development. He made the comment at the Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) on the sidelines of a seminar about the implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle, […]