Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak said on Wednesday that the local government strongly objected to a human rights report published by the US government recently, describing it as “irresponsible gossip”. Wong made the remarks on the sidelines of an awards ceremony for firefighters at the Fire Services Bureau (CB) headquarters in Nam Van. […]
Think tank head Lao Pun Lap said he hoped the government’s first ever Five-Year Development Plan will become a “joint action agenda” for the government and the community at large, adding that the government would adopt “more open, transparent and interactive” ways to collect public opinion on the plan. Lao, who heads the government’s Policy Research […]
The 28-nation European Union (EU) says in its annual Macau report that “the functioning of the government needs to be modernised and made more efficient.” The European Commission also says in its Annual Report 2015 that “the EU encourages the Macau authorities to consider ways to promote greater public involvement in the election of the […]
The government is preparing to destroy 150 kilos of confiscated ivory, Economic Services Bureau (DSE) Director Tai Kin Ip said on Wednesday. Tai made the remarks during a plenary session in the Legislative Assembly (AL). Asked by lawmaker-cum-unionist Jose Pereira Coutinho, Tai said his bureau had transferred 748 kg of confiscated ivory to the Finance […]
Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) Director Kou Peng Kuan says in a reply to a written interpellation by directly elected legislator Si Ka Lon that the government plans to set up an information platform from which the public can receive answers to their questions about the government’s policies. Si, a local Fujianese community […]
About 2,000 Pearl Horizon homeowners staged a street protest on Sunday, hoping to meet with the Chief Executive to find a way out for the suspended Areia Preta residential project. An owners association says a short-term assistance program introduced by the developer is no solution. Some 2,000 Pearl Horizon homeowners took to the streets to […]
The Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) is concerned about “rather serious” collusion between business people and government officials, according to an annual report released by the graft buster on Wednesday. The report also singles out the shocking case of two Public Security Police (PSP) officers suspected of fabricating evidence. The commission says in the report its […]
Morgan Stanley warns of overcapacity in Macau as thousands of rooms and hundreds of gaming tables come online by 2017, according to a note from the brokerage. “This could result in either cannibalization or rise in competition – thus, margin erosion,” says the note. Morgan Stanley analysts say Macau will see over 6000 new rooms […]
Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On confirmed that the government has granted a 5.9 million pataca service contract to the Macau Association for Promotion of Science and Technology, which is headed by his cousin Jose Chui Sai Peng, for compiling general knowledge teaching materials for local primary schools, “according to the law and established procedures”. […]