Some 85 percent of the members of the Legislative Assembly (AL) voted Monday for the suspension of directly-elected lawmaker Sulu Sou Ka Hou from the legislature so that he can stand trial for alleged aggravated disobedience.
Chen Sixi, a vice-director of the Central People’s Government Liaison Office in Macau, said Sunday that the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Macau Basic Law are not functioning parallel to each other but, instead, the Constitution is the “mother law” and the Basic Law is a “sub-law”.
Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo do Rosário said he was confident that the Taipa section of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) project will not run further over budget – i.e. the total cost of the project will not exceed 11 billion patacas (US$1.375 billion).
Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak said in the legislature’s hemicycle Tuesday that the government will require nationals from six countries to submit a certificate of non-criminal record when applying to work in Macau.
The Conference for Electing Deputies of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) to the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) convened its first plenary session on Friday in preparation for electing 12 local NPC deputies.
The Chief Executive has initiated disciplinary procedures against the former director of the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau Fong Soi Kun, and Florence Leong Ka Cheng, the bureau’s current vice-director.
The Court of First Instance said that it has decided to reschedule the proposed November 28 trial of directly-elected lawmaker Sulu Sou Ka Hou for alleged aggravated disobedience.
The government is planning to build two more links between the land reclamation area known as Zone A and the peninsula, in addition to the previously-planned link which is slated to be completed by the end of the year.
In Chui Sai On’s 2018 Policy Address, he said that the government will establish a long-term mechanism for disaster prevention and mitigation.