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Macau´s police bust “ice” materials supply base

Macau, China, 10 Aug – The Judiciary Police (PJ) has busted a “materials supply base’ that had been supplying materials to the city’s “Ice factory” that the police discovered a fortnight ago, PJ spokesman Chan Kin Hong said Tuesday The owner of the business, which purported to be a bona fide recycling workshop, a 54-year-old […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:54 am

Macau, China, 10 Aug – The Judiciary Police (PJ) has busted a “materials supply base’ that had been supplying materials to the city’s “Ice factory” that the police discovered a fortnight ago, PJ spokesman Chan Kin Hong said Tuesday

The owner of the business, which purported to be a bona fide recycling workshop, a 54-year-old local surnamed Cheong, was apprehended as he was returning to Macau through the Barrier Gate immigration counters on Monday.

The police found a “factory” manufacturing Ice (Methamphet-amine) in Iao Hon and nabbed four suspects believed to be involved in the illicit operation on July 28.

The material found at the “Ice factory” weighed 87 kilogramme -enough to manufacture about 70 kg of Ice with an estimated street value of 25 million patacas.

“The chief suspect in charge of the ‘Ice factory’ not only smuggled the chemicals from the mainland, but he also purchased quantities of the chemicals from the recycling workshop operated by Cheong,” Chan said.

Six containers of toluene and three containers of acetone were found in the “materials supply base” on Monday, each container weighing 179 kg.

According toThe Macau Post Daily only companies with a special licence in Macau can obtain toluene and acetone, chemicals that are used to produce Methamphetamine.

Toluene is used to dissolve paints and glues and is widely used also in the building trade. Acetone is used in paint thinners and nail varnish removers.Both are highly flammable and can be used to produce explosives.

The suspect detained in the border refused to reveal where he had obtained the chemicals, according to Chan.(MacauNews/Politics)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:54 am

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