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Macau remains swine-flu free but on full alert

Macau, China, 04 May – Macau remained free of swine flu ( H1N1) Sunday, the Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement released last night. However, the government said that it remained in full alert in order to prevent an outbreak of the disease. According to a SSM statement, no suspect or confirmed case of […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:54 am

Macau, China, 04 May – Macau remained free of swine flu ( H1N1) Sunday, the Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement released last night.

However, the government said that it remained in full alert in order to prevent an outbreak of the disease.

According to a SSM statement, no suspect or confirmed case of swine flu  has so far been found in Macau.

SSM Director Lei Chin Ion said the local Health Bureau was about to acquire newly developed rapid test methods from Hong Kong to speed up the testing of swine flu.

He also said that a 25-year old local woman who came down with flu symptoms last week after arriving from the United States, via Taipe,  had meanwhile been tested negative for swine flu.

Since last Friday travellers arriving at all Macau border-check-points, including the Barrier Gate, the Outer Harbour Terminal, the Airport,  and Pac On ferry terminal , are requrired  to fill in a health declaration.

Meanwhile, the Macau Post Daily said that seven of the Fire Services Bureau (CB) has been specifically prepared for swine-flu patients, including special sterilisation procedures.

Last Thursday  the SSM announced it had raised its flu pandemic alert to Level 4 , the third-highest level localy.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:54 am

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