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Macau donates over US$ 7 million for Gansu mudslide relief

Macau, China, 13 Aug – The government of Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) Thursday announced its decision to allocate 50 million yuan (7.37 million U.S. dollars) for the relief effort in Northwest China’s Gansu province. Torrential rain prompted an avalanche of sludge and debris to crash down on the county seat of Zhouqu, Gansu, early […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:50 am

Macau, China, 13 Aug – The government of Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) Thursday announced its decision to allocate 50 million yuan (7.37 million U.S. dollars) for the relief effort in Northwest China’s Gansu province.

Torrential rain prompted an avalanche of sludge and debris to crash down on the county seat of Zhouqu, Gansu, early Sunday morning.

As of Wednesday, the death toll from the mudslides had risen to 1,117 and 627 were still missing, according to official figures.

Representing the SAR government and the local people, Chief Executive Chui Sai On said in a press release that he offered his deepest condolences to the mudslide victims in Zhouqu.

He also said that he hoped the rescue operation can be carried out smoothly and the victims in the county can soon rebuild their homes.

In addition to the funds from the SAR government, the Macau Red Cross has already remitted 300,000 patacas (US$ 37,500 ) from its emergency disaster relief fund to its counterpart in Gansu province, and has raised a sum of 2.55 million patacas (US$ 318,750  in donations from the local community.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:50 am

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