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Chief executive election result published in official gazette

The notification follows the formal confirmation of Sam Hou Fai’s recent election by the Court of Final Appeal
  • The CE designate now awaits a decree of his appointment from the State Council in Beijing and is expected to assume office on 20 December





One of the last formalities in Macao’s chief executive (CE) election has been completed with the publication today of the verified result in the government Gazette.

The notice comes after the Court of Final Appeal confirmed the 394 electoral college votes received by Sam Hou Fai, who was the only candidate in the election.

The 62-year-old Sam was elected almost unanimously by the 400-strong Chief Executive Election Committee, of which 398 members voted and four turned in blank ballots.

[See more: Why does Macao have a ‘chief executive’?]

Sam’s appointment is still subject to a formal decree from the State Council in Beijing. 

The CE designate met with outgoing CE Ho Iat Seng last week to discuss the transfer of office, with Ho requesting that all public departments cooperate with Sam and enable him to form his “new governmental team” in the coming months. 

Sam is expected to assume his new role on 20 December – the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao SAR.

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