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Macao’s second highest official denies interest in the top job 

With the Chief Executive election scheduled to take place later this year, speculation is building over who might join the race.





The second highest ranking official in the Macao Government, André Cheong, said during a press conference last Friday that he has not thought about becoming a candidate in the next Chief Executive (CE) election, scheduled for later this year. His comments were carried in multiple news outlets.

“I have not thought about it,” the Secretary for Administration and Justice said. “I think I need to focus on doing my work in the area of administration and legal affairs.” 

There has been local media speculation that candidates for the upcoming CE election, could include Cheong, as well as Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak, Secretary for Economy and Finance Lei Wai Nong, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Ao Ieong U, and businessman Sio Chi Wai.

Wong said that he would not make any comments on such reports. 

[See more: Two new national security laws have been approved]

Incumbent Ho Iat Seng has given no indication as to whether or not he intends to run for a second term, saying at a public event last month that he was “still considering and would not make any announcements for the time being.”

A date for the 2024 CE election has yet to be set, however, it is expected to take place sometime during the second half of this year. 

In preparation, the Legislative Assembly has passed an amendment to the Chief Executive Election Law, which is intended to ensure that only those loyal to the People’s Republic of China will assume the role. 

Macao’s last CE election was held on 25 August 2019 and saw the only candidate Ho Iat Seng voted into the role by a committee of 400 members. 

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