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Outgoing Health Bureau director Lei Chin Ion appointed to the Macao Medical Academy Specialties Council

Alvis Lo – who has fronted Covid-19 press conferences – takes over as head of the Health Bureau as the former director moves to a specialist role.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:08 am

Outgoing Health Bureau (SSM) director Lei Chin Ion has been appointed to the Macao Medical Academy Specialties Council, according to the Official Gazette.

The two-year appointment will take effect from next Sunday.  

Lei will be replaced by pulmonologist and Conde S. Januario Hospital clinical director Alvis Lo Iek Long on 1 April.

Lo has regularly featured in the headlines over the past year as the public face of the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre Covid-19 pandemic prevention press conferences. He is also President of the Macao New Chinese Youth Association.

The Macao Medical Academy is part of the SSM and is responsible for professional medical training, as well as the organisation, coordination and supervision of medical internships, with scientific and pedagogical autonomy.

The Specialties Council includes doctors from the public hospital and the private sector and professionals from abroad, and is responsible for carrying out training, postgraduate studies, and promoting continuing medical education and professional development after a doctor becomes a specialist.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:08 am

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