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Government to cancel reclamation between Nobre de Carvalho & Amizade bridges

Macao asked Beijing to be allowed to drop one of the five reclamations  approved in 2009 between Nobre de Carvalho and Amizade bridges, according to Rádio Macau.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:46 am

The Macao government asked Beijing to be allowed to drop one of the five reclamations approved in 2009 that has a total area of ​​350 hectares between Nobre de Carvalho and Amizade bridges, according to Rádio Macau.

The government radio station said that Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo do Rosário announced Tuesday during the discussion in the Macao Assembly of the territory Master Plan that the government is ready to drop the reclamation in Zone D – which is 58 hectares – to build green spaces in Taipa.

Rosario said that instead of this reclamation the government is proposing a new one next to the reservoir and Zone A reclamation that will be mainly residential.

According to Rosário, the reclamation of Zone D “does not seem to be the thing that Macao needs most”.

The projected area for this space is equivalent to 40 football fields.

“The area that is perhaps most beautiful for us and for most of the people is precisely that area of ​​water, between Macao and Taipa. In fact, all cities like to have an area near the water. Zone C [in front of the Ocean Gardens] is already underway; therefore, if we do Zone D, in a little while there is almost no water,” he said.

Rosario told journalists that the Macao government is already in talks with the central government to stop the reclamation of Zone D and find alternatives near Zone A which is located near the checkpoint of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB).

(Rádio Macau/Macau News)
PHOTO © Transport and Public Works Bureau (DSSOPT)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:46 am

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