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Eligible residents start registering to elect local Macau NPC deputies

A total of 50 local residents Tuesday submitted applications to register as members of anelectoral council that will elect local 12 deputies to the 12th National People’s Congress (NPC). It was the first day that residents could hand in their registration applications in an ad hoc office set up by the Standing Committee of the […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:51 am

A total of 50 local residents Tuesday submitted applications to register as members of anelectoral council that will elect local 12 deputies to the 12th National People’s Congress (NPC).

It was the first day that residents could hand in their registration applications in an ad hoc office set up by the Standing Committee of the National People Congress (NPCSC) at the Cultural Centre in Nape.

The 50 residents had received letters in June from the NPCSC asking them whether they wished to become members of the council to vote for local NPC deputies.

The registration procedure will last until July 25

According to relevant laws, the electoral council in Hong Kong will elect 36 NPC deputies, while Macau will elect 12 to the 12th NPC, unchanged from the number of local deputies to the current 11th NPC, which will end its term next March.

More than 380 people are eligible to be members of Macau’s electoral council, an increase of more than 50 from the last council.

The NPC serves a term of five years. The 12th NPC will take office next March, when the central government will also be headed by a new prime minister and president.

Macau’s current 12 NPC deputies are Lei Pui Lam, Chio Ngan Ieng, Paula Ling Hsiao Yun, Io Hong Meng, Kou Hoi In, Jose Chui Sai Peng, Leong Iok Wa, Leong Vai Tac, Lok Po, Ho Iat Seng, Lau Cheok Va and Lao Ngai Leong.

Ho, vice-president of the Macau Legislative Assembly, is Macau’s only member of the NPC Standing Committee. (macaunews)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:51 am

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