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Activists vow to hold June 4 vigil in private

Activists are planning to hold their annual June 4 vigil at a private venue after Macao’s top court upheld a police ban on holding the event in a public place.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:41 am

Activists are planning to hold their annual June 4 vigil at a private venue after Macao’s top court upheld a police ban on holding the event in a public place due to the government’s various COVID-19 prevention measures, public broadcaster Radio Macau-TDM has reported.

The report quoted non-establishment lawmaker-cum-activist Au Kam San as saying that Thursday’s vigil would probably be held in an enclosed space and be streamed live.

Au said that his fellow activists from the Macau Democratic Development Union were still discussing the location of the vigil, adding that they planned to hold a press conference about the matter, possibly Sunday.

Au and fellow lawmaker Ng Kuok Cheong have held the vigil annually since 1990 in a public place granted by the authorities, such as the city’s main square, Largo do Senado, or the adjacent Largo de S. Domingos.

In the past few years, several hundred people attended the vigil each time.

Hong Kong’s June 4 vigil has also been banned by the authorities because of the COVID0-19 pandemic.

June 4 vigils have also been held in Taiwan, but it was not immediately known whether this will be the case next week as the island’s authorities have also imposed a string of anti-COVID-19 measures.

(The Macau Post Daily/Macau News)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:41 am

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