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16 candidacy lists gear up for autumn elections

While there is stiff competition for directly elected seats, the Legislative Assembly’s dozen indirectly elected seats are unlikely to be contested.



While there is stiff competition for directly elected seats, the Legislative Assembly’s dozen indirectly elected seats are unlikely to be contested.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:46 am

Twenty-two Lists have submitted registered voters’ signatures endorsing their respective candidacies in this autumn’s elections.

Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Commission (CAEAL) President Tong Hio Fong said two have since been withdrawn, 16 have been declared valid, while four are still being examined by CAEAL officials.

The direct and indirect legislative elections will take place on 12 September.

The officially required maximum is 500 signatures of registered voters while the minimum number is 300. Each registered voter can only endorse one candidacy List.

Tong said his commission has not yet confirmed the candidacy of four Lists due to certain faults, such as that the number of valid nominations being below the minimum required, or failing to indicate the Lists’ names or logos in line with official requirements.

Tong added that one of the four Lists has submitted supplementary documents to rectify the faults, while the other three Lists are required to rectify their respective faults within five days after his commission has notified them of the flaws.

The 33-member Legislative Assembly comprises 14 deputies directly elected by universal suffrage, 12 deputies indirectly elected by association representatives and seven deputies appointed by the chief executive after the direct and indirect elections.

The legislature’s 12 indirectly-elected seats comprise four seats representing the city’s industrial, commercial and financial sector, three seats from the professional sector, two seats from the labour sector, two seats from the cultural and sports sector, and one seat from the social services and educational sector.

Tong said that five Lists have submitted registered voters’ signatures endorsing their respective candidacies in the upcoming indirect election to the commission, which has confirmed the candidacy validity of all of them.

As only five Lists have submitted nominations for the indirect election of the five sectors’ seats in the legislature, all candidates are slated to be elected uncontested.

Macao’s elections are held in accordance with the proportional representation system.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:46 am

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