The high number of visitors to Macao during the Christmas period bodes well for the start of 2024, according to some industry insiders.
Emergency medical assistance moved from the Macao University of Science and Technology Hospital to Macao Union Hospital.
Macao’s per capita GDP is well above many of its neighbours’, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea.
Average daily arrivals neared 110,000 across the four-day holiday, in an end-of-year boost to the local tourism industry.
The official support, along with private sector donations, will help rebuild areas of Gansu and Qinghai provinces that were devastated by last week’s earthquake.
The 162-kilometre line follows the coast between Shantou and Shanwei, significantly reducing travel times in the Greater Bay Area.
The award reflects the pharmaceutical company’s long history in Macao and its commitment to creating rewarding career opportunities, Hovione’s Macao site manager said.
The long-stalled Greater Sunrise project could be make or break for the small island nation’s ailing economy.
The new policy adjustments will enable businesses from Greater China and other countries to establish their presence in Guangzhou more easily.