The government app currently features hundreds of different services and allows users to make online appointments with many different departments.
While visitor numbers have bounced back by 70 percent, the airport only saw a touch over half its pre-pandemic passenger volume return in 2023.
The seven Macao outlets of trendy Hong Kong fashion chain Bauhaus are performing far better than its stores in Hong Kong itself.
Global realtor Cushman and Wakefield predicts the tech hub’s commercial property market will continue to struggle in 2024, forcing landlords to switch up their strategies.
Last year brought average temperatures of 23.3℃ to the city, along with a new hottest day ever – and four times as much rain as normal.
The controlling stake in the mine will improve Huati Lighting’s position in the new energy supply chain.
For a city with such a long maritime history, Macao offers visitors few chances to experience it from the sea. That could change.
The move for TCM and Transmac buses will help the local government achieve its goal of reaching near zero-carbon emissions by 2050.
That’s more than twice the number of foreign tourists that the government has estimated will visit Macao in 2024.