JLL Macau wants the government to drop all property market cooling measures, a move he says was key to realising buyers and sellers’ expectations.
Expect a 2 pataca hike for the first 1.6 kilometres of your journey and slight increase in waiting fees, though it’ll still cost the same to transport luggage in a taxi’s trunk.
Planning to welcome the Year of the Dragon at A-Ma Temple? Why not take the light rail?
Issued last night, the alert indicates that the Year of the Dragon will begin with temperatures hovering around 10 degrees celsius.
The world’s leading diamond company signed multiple agreements to expand and explore in the African nation.
Guangdong manufactured more than a quarter of China’s new energy vehicles in 2023, and 17 percent of Chinese-made vehicles in general – more than any other province in the country.
In the wake of Hong Kong’s embarrassment over a football match failure, several lawmakers say they’re worried Macao is setting itself up for a fall.
A daily rate of 120,000 visitors – the same as Christmas Eve – has been forecast for the upcoming holiday period, which kicks off 10 February.
New rules are being set to let SAR residents bypass a daily remittance cap of 80,000 yuan when buying property in the GBA’s mainland cities.