Time to dig out more winter clothes. A sharp northeasterly wind will bring bracing temperatures to the city on Wednesday.
Dubbed K11 ECoast, the mall is part of a Hong Kong-headquartered nationwide chain and will be among one of the biggest retail centres in the southern Chinese tech hub.
In a city stretched for space, the future of this sizable tract of land will come under careful consideration, with the government already ruling out more casinos.
The investment firm also believes that revenue from the mass market segment will exceed the levels of pre-pandemic 2019.
China’s largest provincial-level economy saw trade with the US grow by 8.7 percent between 2022 and 2023, and by 4.3 percent with the EU.
Around US$120 million will go toward the restoration of the historic city centre of Mbanza Kongo in Angola’s northwest.
The period leading up to the holidays will see a tremendous demand for transport, as hundreds of millions of people around China take a long break.
With Macao in peak flu season, demand for jabs is high and residents are urged to make appointments promptly.
The disgraced assistant prosecutor general was found guilty of most of the corruption-related charges against him, though not of forming a criminal syndicate.