Macau, China, 11 Jun – The government will spend 100 million patacas ( US$ 12.5 million) on the purchase of one million doses of A (H1N1) vaccines, Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion announced Wednesday. Lei Chin Ion said the order was enough to provide two doses per resident. At the end of March, […]
Macau, China, 10 Jun – Some 73.5 percent of the respondents of a survey commissioned by the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) said they believed that illegalities and irregularities in the public administration were “very common” or “common” according to he Macao Post Daily. The findings of the annual survey were released by the CCAC Tuesday. […]
Macau, China, 08 Jun – Several hundred low-ranking civil servants in Macau protested Saturday against unequal pay rises for senior versus junior government employees. The Macau Civil Servants Association, headed by legislator Jose Pereira Coutinho, lead the march to government headquarters in the afternoon. José Pereira Coutinho said it was unfair that salary increases being […]
Macau, China, 8 Jun – Despite the forthcoming change of the chief executive, the political scene in Macau will remain fairly stable according to the June report released by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The EIU said that “the new administration will have a hard task in regaining public confidence, and, to that end, one […]
Macau, China, 05 Jun – Several hundread people, including locals, mainlanders and foreign tourists, attended Thursday "June 4" candleligh vigil on Largo de São Domingos to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen incident. Last year only around 70 people attended the vigil organised by the Macau democratic development Association that is headed by the […]
Macau, China, 26 May – Fernando Chui Sai On, a candidate for the Chief Executive of Macau, promised to hear out the people of Macau in regards to democratic reform of the region’s political system. “If I am elected, I am going to listen to the opinions of the people of Macau and then we […]
Macau, China, 22 May – Portugal’s last governor of Macau, Lt. Gen. Vasco Rocha Vieira will pay a visit to China on June 14-24, including a trip to Macau on June 14-17, the Portuguese wire service Lusa reported Thursday. According to the report, the 69-year-old retired general, have been invited by the Chinese authorities. It […]
Macau, China, 19 May- The Macau government announced Monday that the Flu Pandemic Prevention Coordination Team had raised the local pandemic alert to the 2th highest level. The Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion said that the reason for the hike from Level 4 to Level 5 was community-level outbreak of A (H1N1) in […]
Macau, China, 14 May – The State Council of the People’s Republic of China today approved a move by Fernando Chui Sai On to resign from his current position of Macau Secretary of Social Affairs and Culture to seek a nomination for the post of Chief Executive of Macau. The Macau Government Information Bureau said […]