Three Macau environmental protection groups and a group of residents Sunday urged the government to find another location for its safety traffic information centre to protect the egrets’ habitat in the wetland next to the Taipa Houses-Museum. The Macau government has announced that it plans to move the centre to a plot of land that […]
Secretary for Administration and Justice Florinda Chan Lai Man has kept mum on a claim by Macau’s top lawyer that local judges are biased in favour of the government. “No comment,” Chan said when asked by reporters about the issue on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of an activity hosted by the Macau Lawyers […]
Macau’s population rose 3.2 percent year-on-year to 562,900 at the end the first quarter, according to official statistics. The number of non-resident workers reached 98,664 at the end of March, up by 4,636 from the end of last year, accounting for 17.5 percent of the total population. According to The Macau Post Daily today, based […]
Legislative Assembly (AL) Second Standing Committee President Chan Chak Mo said Wednesday that his committee would not have any more meetings to discuss the two government-initiated amendment bills on the city’s political development after spending less than 90 minutes in total to discuss the bills. The commission held two meetings to discuss the two bills. […]
[:zh]中国澳门5月16日电-澳门和广东星期二(5月15日)公布,计划于澳门半岛北端及珠海市拱北区之间兴建新行人通道通关。 澳门特区政府选择在青洲南粤批发市场的现址兴建新通道。南粤批发市场会被拆毁,并搬迁到珠澳跨境工业区澳门园区。 行政长官崔世安表示,他相信新通道有效纾缓拱此——关闸口岸通关压力。 崔世安昨天和广东省省长朱小丹主持于行政长官办公室举行的年度粤澳联席会议后会见传媒,并发表上述言论。 联席会议历时1.5小时,双方探讨如何进一步落实粤澳合作框架协议。 他说:「随着本澳经济的高速发展,拱北口岸客流量的增加,出现长时间轮候及挤迫情况,因此,我们认为粤澳之间新增一条新通道是有迫切性的。」 澳门特区政府的声明指出,初步计划新通道的选点为南粤批发市场的现址及狭窄的鸭涌河的邻近地方,该处划分澳门及珠海的边境。 崔世安称,位于拱北口岸仅800米之外的新通道是一条客运通道,只供行人使用,没有供车辆的设施。 他表示,新通道会作为拱北口岸的附属口岸。 他表示,粤澳双方会向中央政府提交新通道的申请,希望获得审批。并强调新通道有助区内发展。 根据澳门特区政府关于新通道的声明,计划包括兴建一道穿过通道的天桥。 然而,两地政府无详述新通道的建造时间表或完工日期。 (macaunews)[:]
Maritime Administration (CP) Director Susana Wong Soi Man said Tuesday that the government will further strengthen co-operation with the Guangdong government to guarantee that all the raw water imported by Macau from the neighbouring province is clean According to The Macau Post Daily, Wong made the pledge to reporters after a visit to the Macau […]
The Macau government formally opened a representative office in Taipei on Sunday, giving the city a greater presence that it expects will deepen trade, tourism, cultural and education ties with Taiwan, according to the island’s Central News Agency (CNA). Alexis Tam Chon Weng, chief-of-cabinet of the Office of Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On, said […]
Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On said during Thursday’s Q&A session in the legislature that while the government would not do anything to harm the development of the real estate market, it would allow the sector to develop “healthily”, irrespective of the government’s response to citizens’ demand for public housing flats. Two lawmakers wanted to […]
Lao Pun Lap, who heads the government’s Policy Research Office think tank, said Wednesday that the government would start consulting the public on its population policy at the end of this year. He made the remarks during a press conference at Government House. Four government representatives, including Alexis Tam Chong Weng, chief-of-cabinet of the office […]