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The consultation period for Macao’s construction waste island has been extended

Faced with criticisms over its handling of the consultation process, the government has agreed to push the deadline back to 9 May.





More time will be allowed for public consultation on the environmental impact of an island of construction waste the government plans to build off Hac Sa Beach.

The consultation was originally scheduled to end on 28 April, but will now last until 9 May to “gather more opinions from the various sectors of society” officials say.

The public works secretary Raimundo Arrais do Rosário yesterday rebuffed criticisms of the way the consultation period had been publicised only on government websites, but not disseminated through the media like other matters of public interest.

[See more: Environmentalists propose alternative to Macao’s construction waste island]

“That’s why there’s now more time for everyone to submit their opinion,” the official told media. “There’s no need to be in a rush or get anxious. Everyone knows about [the public consultation] now, so there’s more time to submit your opinion.” 

The government’s controversial proposal involves using construction waste as in-fill on an artificial island to be built off the coast of one of Macao’s most scenic spots. The authorities say this is the only solution to the waste issue, given that Macao’s landfill is at capacity.

However, environmentalists are concerned that the project will destroy what little remains of the Chinese white dolphin habitat in the Pearl River Estuary. They also say that it will be easier and far cheaper to reuse discarded construction materials – up to 95 percent of which can be recycled – instead of disposing of it in the sea.

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