Archipelago stakes claim in digital industry, aiming to create opportunities for local talent in information and communication technology.
Two more plants expected to be put out to tender in the near future, as well as a wind power plant as republic embraces renewable energy.
Company plans to double capacity in wind and solar energy by 2025, and create more sustainable solutions for businesses and families.
Plague of centipedes needs to be dealt with before it spreads to other islands and decimates archipelago’s agricultural production.
A special body within the forum’s structure will be set up, dedicated to the efforts of fighting and prevention against Covid-19.
CEO says by investing in and developing education, Huawei aims to expand an ever-widening path of inclusive development.
New route is key part of airline’s focus on rebuilding connectivity in region for businesses, families and freight following two years of closed borders.
Ministers will speak on strengthening exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries and economic recovery post-pandemic.
As fifth-largest investor in Portugal, with cumulative investments of EUR 10.6 billion, China is set to play an increasingly important role.