Oil price averages US$113 per barrel, with 1,139 million barrels exported daily; China imports more than 54% of total output.
Rail corridor expected to generate local and regional development and offer competitive alternative to road transport.
Urgent action to reduce water losses in urban systems likely to cost US$120 million, says Minister of Public Works, Carlos Mesquita.
Capable of carrying one million oil barrels, the tanker is set for delivery in March 2023, bringing ‘significant benefits to Angola’.
Fledgling nation – heavily dependent on oil and gas revenues – also keen to boost trade ties with its larger neighbour beyond current US$250 million per annum.
New planes will be piloted and maintained by Angolan staff; lease marks a departure for African carrier whose fleet is mainly Boeing.
US$180 million project would be connected to national grid and possibly shared with a dozen other countries in southern Africa.
65-kilometres line damaged by 2019 cyclone; Mozambique considered one of countries most affected by climate change.
Projects will deliver clean water to nearly 500,000 residents, while Centre of Excellence should benefit 1 million schoolchildren over next 20 years.