Railway link essential in providing route from mines in Democratic Republic of Congo to port in Angola and onwards to international markets.
Entry to Portugal also eased as Portuguese language country citizens no longer need to present travel insurance, proof of means of subsistence or copy of return ticket.
Dam expected to reduce country’s electricity consumption deficit by 66 per cent, generating 5,700 megawatts.
Located in Block 15, about 365 kilometres northwest of coast of Luanda, well was drilled through water sheet of 1,100 metres.
Two factories will produce chassis for buses, trucks and cars, while third will process lithium and iron phosphate, materials used in batteries.
Launched in 2012, the cash-for-residence programme has performed well financially but also attracted strong criticism from the EU.
José Ramos-Horta says joining ASEAN is harder than “entering heaven” even though last assessment on entering the Association was favourable.
Project includes shopping centres, hotels, music school, theatres, sports facilities, hospital, training centre and landing strip for small aircraft: opening 2027.
French multinational, which currently produces 550,000 bpd in Angola, plans to launch three new oil projects in Kwanza River Basin in 2024.