Angola’s ambassador to China stresses the need for concrete progress while the world is coping with Covid-19.
Manufacturing and research and development are the two most popular sectors, with interest concentrated on Lisbon and the north of the country.
Grapes, mangoes and other quality fresh fruit on offer to China, which already buys US$67 billion in goods from Brazil annually.
Beijing Capital Airlines given the all-clear a fortnight after Covid-19 scare aboard one of its flights from Lisbon.
Agreement marks further cooperation between China and Angola, which has already received a dozen jet fighters for defence purposes.
Tourism body trims its sails in the current tricky economic climate, but still maintains a European outpost in UK.
While China is the world’s biggest cotton producer, it cannot fill domestic demand, so needs to source quality fibre from abroad.
Regulatory approval has not yet been granted but the deepsea area under consideration is forecast to be highly lucrative.
Quality as well as quantity play a significant part as Brazil shows an increasing appetite for Chinese vehicles and fine chemicals.