Prices up 40% compared to September 2020, with exporters shipping up to 12,400 tonnes per day.
By 2024 digital coverage should reach 85% of the country; hundreds of newly trained technicians will help with customer care.
Last year’s record figures likely to be surpassed as both countries’ exports and imports increase sharply.
Mixed-use development in Portuguese capital marks departure for Chinese conglomerate which previously concentrated on luxury market.
Apart from security, its solutions can be applied to many other spheres such as traffic monitoring or tracking waste streams.
Vendors will pay commission of between 5 and 8 per cent as the online market hots up, logging 1.5 billion hits in 2021.
Using surrealist Cubism and vivid colours, the artist examines the concept of peace in his native country.
Project will employ latest emission control technologies to minimise impact on the environment.
Widespread appetite for beef in China likely to spur increased demand for imports from Brazil and other South American countries.