Chief exports – soy, iron ore and oil – put Brazil on track for record trading year with China.
First woman to head a Portuguese diplomatic mission in China points to shared economic and trade links stretching back hundreds of years.
Project aims to unite people who respect and recognise the importance of the healthy relationship between Brazil and China.
Projects include cement factory, two glass factories, and thermal energy generation plant.
Decision expected by year end; port can handle up to 250,000 TEU and 600,000 tons of non-containerised cargo annually.
Plan to build 200 new airports to encourage industrial relocation are forecast to make China’s aviation market the largest in the world.
Project, which includes new control tower and lengthening the runway to 2,100 metres, will open up the country and vastly improve trade and investment.
Bank is already financing projects connected to Angola’s import substitution plan and agriculture.
Reserves forecast to last for 20 years, and mine is expected to create 450 local jobs.