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India remains the top destination for Mozambican exports

The South Asian country primarily purchases fossil fuel products, which are among Mozambique’s top exports worldwide
  • China broke into the top three export destinations as it continues to increase trade with the lusophone world





UPDATED: 13 Dec 2024, 8:07 am

India once again tops the list as the primary export destination for Mozambique, according to Bank of Mozambique data for the first half of 2024 that was cited by news website Club of Mozambique.

The first six months of 2024 saw India purchase US$763.2 million in goods from Mozambique, accounting for 19.8 percent of total exports. India primarily bought natural gas and coal, the southern African country’s two main export products, as well as beans and cashews. The second quarter helped boost figures from the first, when the India trade accounted for a smaller percentage (18.8 percent) and less than half the current figure (US$331 million).

Trade between the two countries has increased significantly over the last two decades, from US$111 million in 2004 to US$4.03 billion in 2023, primarily driven by Mozambique’s abundant natural and mineral resources.

[See more: Sino-Lusophone trade reaches US$191.2 billion for the first 10 months of 2024]

Neighbouring South Africa retained its second-place position, with US$617.8 million (16 percent) in Mozambican exports, primarily concentrated in electricity, natural gas, coal and bananas. China rose to third place with US$470.7 million (12.2 percent), mainly buying natural gas, heavy sands and coal. Mozambique’s total exports for the January to June period rose 3.2 percent over the same period in 2023 to US$3.85 billion.

Imports to Mozambique, meanwhile, dipped 2.6 percent during the first half of the year to US$4.21 billion. Goods from South Africa led imports with 24.6 percent of the total, much of the US$1.03 billion in electricity, vehicles, iron bars and corn. China came in second with US$682.2 million (16.2 percent), concentrated in tractors, pesticides, heavy machinery and vehicles.

Singapore rounded out the top three with US$299.9 million (7.1 percent) of total, supplying fuel, tar and petroleum bitumen, cement and rice, among other products.

UPDATED: 13 Dec 2024, 8:07 am

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