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Mozambique’s national airline plans to launch routes to China

Services to Guangzhou are being considered as Mozambique’s debt-ridden flag carrier seeks to generate more revenue.



Services to Guangzhou are being considered as Mozambique’s debt-ridden flag carrier seeks to generate more revenue.



UPDATED: 21 Dec 2023, 11:32 pm

Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM) is mulling a service from the Mozambique capital Maputo to Guangzhou, according to China’s Xinhua news agency.

The announcement was made earlier this week by Sérgio Matos, a restructuring manager at Fly Modern Ark – the South African company that has been brought in to get Mozambique’s debt-ridden flag carrier back on its feet.

Matos said that LAM was also considering services to Lisbon, São Paulo, Mumbai and Dubai.

[See more: Drastic measures are being taken to alleviate the crisis affecting Mozambique’s airline]

He added that LAM’s fleet of aircraft will be gradually increased from the current seven to 14 in order to service new destinations and said that the airline would make job cuts to save costs.

Since April, the company has reduced ticket prices by 30 percent to attract more passengers, Xinhua reports.

LAM has struggled with debt for years. In 2016, it put aircraft acquisition and network expansion plans on hold in order to cope with mounting losses.


UPDATED: 21 Dec 2023, 11:32 pm

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