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The Hebei Port Group and Brazilian iron ore producer Vale plan to boost collaboration

The two firms intend to boost storage and handling facilities at two ports in the northeast of China’s Hebei province.



The two firms intend to boost storage and handling facilities at two ports in the northeast of China’s Hebei province.



UPDATED: 21 Dec 2023, 11:30 pm

Hebei Port Group, the third largest port operator in China, intends to expand mineral blending and separation activities, as well as product storage, at the Caofeidian and Jingtang ports in the Chinese city of Tangshan. 

It will do so in partnership with Brazil’s Vale, the world’s largest producer of iron ore and nickel, according to a report in China-Lusophone Brief.

Hebei province, a centre of iron and steel production, presents a good opportunity for Vale to grow its ability to supply iron ore in northern China, the report says.

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The Brazilian company transported 400,000 tons of cargo to the Port of Caofeidian in September last year using Valemax ships, the largest bulk carriers in the world. 

The Hebei Port Group has two berths capable of handling ships of that tonnage and handled 730 million tons of cargo last year. Its vice president, Sun Wenzhong, said the company was happy to explore more collaboration opportunities with Vale in the supply and processing of iron ore.

In a statement, both companies also highlighted their interest in exploring the potential for applying low-carbon technologies in terminals, China-Lusophone brief reports.


UPDATED: 21 Dec 2023, 11:30 pm

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