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Chinese thirst for Portugal’s Golden Visas slackens

However, China still invests the most in the residency scheme, followed by Brazil, the US, Turkey and South Africa.



However, China still invests the most in the residency scheme, followed by Brazil, the US, Turkey and South Africa.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:07 am

Chinese investment in Portugal’s Golden Visas dropped 28 per cent last year however US citizens are increasingly attracted by the residency scheme.

The Investment Residence Authorisation (ARI) programme granted 296 visas, worth 158 million euros, to Chinese citizens in 2020 according to  Portugal’s Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF).

In 2019, 395 ARI were granted to Chinese citizens, in an investment valued at 220 million euros.

Last year, Brazil nationals invested 83.9 million euros (126 ARI), down 47 per cent from 158 million euros (210) a year earlier.

In third place came the United States, whose investment increased 13 per cent last year, to 49.3 million euros, with 75 golden visas granted.

Turkish investment under this instrument fell 19 per cent, to 34 million euros, and South Africa, with an investment of 36 million euros, for a total of 74 ARI, completes the top five, reported CLBrief.

According to SEF data, Chinese investment in Golden Visas totalled more than 2,700 million euros in more than eight years of the program.

Second is Brazil, with an investment of more than 785 million euros and 1,001 golden visas awarded until last month.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:07 am

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