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High-level meetings reaffirm elevated Chinese-Timorese ties

Foreign ministers for both countries met last week, committing to future cooperation in key development areas.





Timorese Foreign Minister Bendito dos Santos Freitas met with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, during an official visit to China last week, the Lusa news agency reports.

China “made a commitment” to support economic development in the island nation, with special emphasis on the infrastructural, agricultural and industrial sectors, as well as developing human resources through training and scholarships.  

The two ministers expressed their “intention to further strengthen diplomatic relations and bilateral cooperation in favour of common interests,” with Freitas noting that mutual trust and benefits have always been the basis for bilateral relations between China and Timor-Leste.

[See more: Timor-Leste and China sign major new agreements]

Freitas thanked the Chinese government and people for their selfless support of Timor-Leste in achieving national independence back in May 2002, shortly after which the two countries formally established relations.

Timor-Leste signed onto the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China’s premiere foreign policy programme, in 2022, and a year later the two countries made “a historic leap forward” in bilateral relations by elevating their ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Freitas said his country looked forward to working with China to enhance high level exchanges and promote more projects under the BRI.

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