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Cash incentives on offer for Macao businesses and workers in Hengqin

Raft of handouts includes up to RMB 12,000 a month for employees and one-time RMB 50,000 subsidy for new businesses.



Raft of handouts includes up to RMB 12,000 a month for employees and one-time RMB 50,000 subsidy for new businesses.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

Hefty cash incentives are being offered to Macao businesses and workers who move to the Guangdong Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.

Depending on their qualifications, employees may receive between RMB 5,000 to 12,000 a month for three years, and a one-off payment of RMB 5,000 after the first three months.

The scheme’s threefold aim is to make it easier for Macao residents to work in Hengqin, to encourage Hengqin enterprises to employ people from Macao, and to help Macao residents set up businesses in the new zone.

Start-up enterprises from Macao will get a one-time RMB 50,000 subsidy in Hengqin after three months.

Financiers, statisticians, architects, designers, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and similar specialists can also receive RMB 50,000 after registering with the Hengqin authorities, with a maximum of RMB 100,000 available to those with multiple qualifications.

Macao residents enrolled in a mainland vocational skills training programme and working in Hengqin will be eligible for an hourly subsidy of RMB 39, while anyone holding an international professional certification or Macao vocational skills certificate can get a one-off payment of RMB 2,000.

Businesses seen to be adhering to Hengqin’s development principles can claim an annual subsidy of RMB 30,000 per Macao employee for three years; if the enterprise has more than 30 Macao residents on the payroll it can claim an additional RMB 200,000.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

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