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Walk-ins welcome at new vaccination station

No appointment necessary for a certain quota at Macao Forum, as Health Bureau tries to encourage more residents to get their Covid-19 jabs.



No appointment necessary for a certain quota at Macao Forum, as Health Bureau tries to encourage more residents to get their Covid-19 jabs.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:03 am

Walk-in places for Covid-19 vaccinations will be on offer at the Macao Forum complex in Zape, which will start operating tomorrow.

Liang Sung Wen, a senior Health Bureau (SSM) doctor who heads up the new jab centre, said only Sinopharm inoculations will be available initially, which will be provided for local residents, non-resident workers and non-local students enrolled in Macao.

Liang underlined that the SSM will adjust the opening hours which are currently 9 am to 5 pm daily of the new vaccination facility, the number of places available there per day, and the types of vaccines in response to residents’ demands.

“We will provide walk-in vaccinations as we encourage residents to be inoculated. We will have a certain number of walk-in quotas available here,” Liang said, adding that it will depend on the appointments on particular days.

Macao Forum inoculation location
Photo by Municipal Affairs Bureau

Part of the Macao Forum complex has been used as a nucleic acid testing station since July last year.

The bureau has set up one entrance/exit for the new facility in Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues.

Meanwhile, The Macau Post Daily reported that the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre has announced that so far  136,887 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been administered to 86,956 people in Macao 36,798 who have received their first jab and 50,158 who have received their second jab.

A total of 12 adverse events were reported in the past 24 hours (until 4 pm yesterday). The total number of adverse events since the start of the vaccination drive stood at 621, or 0.45 per cent of the total number of jabs, including two serious cases.

The government’s free Covid-19 vaccination drive covers local residents, non-resident workers and non-local students enrolled in Macao. However, all other non-locals who hold a permit to stay in Macao, such as the family members of non-resident workers employed in Macao, have to pay MOP 250 per jab – a total of MOP 500 for the required two jabs.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:03 am

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