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Unpaid non-resident workers plead for help from Labour Affairs Bureau

  • Officials promise to conduct investigations and inflict penalties on employer if law has been breached.



Officials promise to conduct investigations and inflict penalties on employer if law has been breached.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:41 am

Dozens of non-resident workers in the cleaning industry in Macao are in severe financial trouble as they have not been paid.

The Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) said that 29 non-resident workers (NRWs) had reported in person that the payment of their wages had been delayed, though no amounts were specified. Officials explained the relevant laws and regulations to them, as well as the complainants’ labour rights and interests.

According to the DSAL, the bureau has requested the company to provide relevant information on the payment of their employees’ salaries.

The bureau said it will follow up on the incident and conduct investigations, adding that if any breach of the law is confirmed, penalties will be meted out to protect the employees’ labour rights and interests.

Moreover, the bureau pointed out that it provides an online appointment booking service for emergency labour consultations and complaints. It added that employees who believe that their rights and interests have been infringed may go to the bureau’s office at Advance Plaza in Avenida do Dr Francisco Vieira Machado in person, based on their appointment time, or call the bureau’s hotline on 2871 7810 to enquire and report their case, The Macau Post Daily reported. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:41 am

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