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The University of Macau is preparing to build a new campus in Hengqin

Local and mainland authorities are on-board with the plan, which will let UM offer a broader range of subjects and enrol more international students.






UPDATED: 16 Jan 2024, 11:36 am

Plans for the University of Macau (UM) to build a second, smaller campus in Hengqin are being drawn up with relevant local and mainland authorities, multiple media outlets have reported.

At the University of Macau’s open day on Sunday, its rector, Song Yonghua, revealed that “we are expediting the plan” for a new campus. UM’s current campus is also in Hengin, on land leased from the mainland by Macao’s government.

Song said that the new campus would be half a square kilometre in size and offer programmes in medicine, new engineering, microelectronics, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, robotics, and quantitative business analytics.

[See more: The University of Macau is now one of the world’s top 200 universities]

Increasing the university’s size would allow it to admit more students, with a focus on international enrolment, he added. Up to 30 percent of UM students are allowed to be foreigners.

Song also announced that UM had received approval to establish an advanced research institute in Hengqin.

UM’s open day was held at both its current Hengqin campus and at the Zhuhai UM Science & Technology Research Institute.

UPDATED: 16 Jan 2024, 11:36 am

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