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Typhoon Signal No 1 to be hoisted at 7 pm

Weather bureau says winds in Macao will intensify with occasional heavy showers and thunderstorms starting tomorrow, flooding may occur in Inner Harbour.



Weather bureau says winds in Macao will intensify with occasional heavy showers and thunderstorms starting tomorrow, flooding may occur in Inner Harbour.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:39 am

A broad low pressure over the central part of South China Sea has developed into a tropical depression and Macao’s Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) will issue a Tropical Cyclone Signal No 1 at 7 pm. 

According to the bureau, the tropical depression will generally move towards the western coast of Guangdong province to Hainan Island in the next one or two days, with its rainband predicted to bring unsettled weather to Macao.

Winds in Macao will intensify with occasional heavy showers and thunderstorms starting tomorrow. 

In addition, flooding may occur in the Inner Harbour area from early morning on Wednesday to early morning on Thursday, SMG pointed out, advising members of the public to take precautions due to the weather. 

At the end of last week (3-4 August), another T1 was hoisted.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:39 am

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