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Top lawyer slams resolution aimed at sole lawmaker

Macau’s most senior lawyer has slammed a draft resolution proposed by two lawmakers because it appeared to be aimed at just one particular legislator.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:46 am

Macau’s most senior lawyer has slammed a draft resolution proposed by two lawmakers because it appeared to be aimed at just one particular legislator.

Macau Lawyers Association (AAM) President Jorge Neto Valente made the criticism in an interview with the Portuguese-language radio channel of TDM, Radio Macau, on Friday.

Neto Valente said it was wrong anywhere in the world to make a law just to target a particular person, known as “ad hominem” in European legal parlance.

The controversial draft resolution by lawmakers Vong Hin Fai, a lawyer by profession, and businessman Kou Hoi In aims to stop any lawmaker suspended by his or her peers from objecting to the legislature’s decision by appealing to the courts.

Suspended non-establishment lawmaker Sulu Sou Ka Hou has filed an appeal with the Court of Second Instance (TSI) to examine the legality of the process and procedures of his suspension by his peers last month.

Neto Valente said the two lawmakers’ initiative was “very bad” for Macau’s political system based on the principle of one country, two systems.

The veteran local Portuguese lawyer said that the draft resolution was “discrediting” Macau’s legal system and bad for the Legislative Assembly’s image.

Neto Valente said he hoped that the lawmakers will vote down the draft resolution tomorrow.

“It’s serious. This resolution aims to stop a court from ruling on possible irregularities committed in the (legislature’s) procedures. Basically, it gives credence to the lawmaker who is appealing and questioning the procedures.”

However, Neto Valente also said he expected the court to reject Sou’s appeal since judges weren’t supposed to investigate deliberations by the legislature’s plenary sessions.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:46 am

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