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Taipa Northeast Sports Centre’s pavilion and tennis court open again

After being used as NAT station, centre reopens for sports; squash court still under repair; users advised to follow pandemic guidelines.



After being used as NAT station, centre reopens for sports; squash court still under repair; users advised to follow pandemic guidelines.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:48 am

The Taipa Northeast Sports Centre’s pavilion and tennis court have reopened, while the online booking service has also been resumed, the Sports Bureau has announced.

The centre was previously used as a nucleic acid testing (NAT) station.

The centre’s squash court is currently under maintenance and will reopen in due course. Enhanced cleaning and disinfection have been carried out at the facility in line with the Health Bureau’s Covid-19 pandemic prevention guidelines.

Facility users, the bureau said, must wear a facemask when entering the venue, undergo a temperature check, present a valid green Macao Health Code and scan the venue QR code. To avoid crowding, the number of visitors will be limited, The Macau Post Daily reported.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:48 am

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