Health chief announces ‘good news at last’ as new ruling even applies to cross-border travellers who have not been vaccinated.
Apartments on the peninsula are pricier than the islands, while it is still cheaper to buy an older property.
Integrated resort commended for its efforts to promote business sustainability in the Greater Bay Area.
City’s ninth case of Bell’s palsy following Covid-19 jab is being considered as ‘an event of concern’; nearly 400,000 doses administered so far.
Sixty-four-year-old realised he had scraped the side of the UNESCO-listed building but drove away regardless.
Councillors and residents are calling for urgent repair work citing malfunctioning lifts and generally poor construction.
Government to consult mainland health authorities before making any decision; 55th Covid-19 case carries Delta variant.
Available fields cover a wide range of industries, from hospitality and gaming to water and electricity utilities. Registration closes on 30 July.
Survey finds that while residents try to be eco-friendly, the government needs to further review measures to help safeguard the environment.