Cotai’s new hospital, run by Peking Union Medical College Hospital, should go into operation by the end of 2023, but may be hampered by staff shortages.
Buying somewhere to live got marginally more expensive, with Taipa and Coloane slightly ahead of the Macao peninsula.
Far-reaching plan divides city in 18 areas and envisages a raft of new commercial areas while moving industrial operations into four specific zones.
Patients, medical professionals and government administrators all find the new scheme, which encourages residents to take care of themselves, much more convenient.
Winter monsoon affecting Macao is expected to continue until tomorrow.
Attendees asked to present negative nucleic acid test, wear masks and social distance at banquets with more than 400 people.
Officials undertake to help workers, mainly renovation specialists, find new jobs following completion of Cotai hotel project.
Many relatives shoulder the financial burden and unwilling to seek outside help, according to poll by Sheng Kung Hui.
Health Bureau reports drop of 21% over 2020, urges residents to look out for potential cases and to seek psychological help if needs be.