Father Gaetano Nicosia, widely known as Macau’s “Angel of the Lepers” died in Hong Kong on Monday, aged 102, members of the Salesian community told The Macau Post Daily.
A collection of documents formally known as “Official Records of Macau during the Qing Dynasty (1693-1886)” has been listed in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) said in a statement on Tuesday.
Technical tests of the first LRT trains, which arrived by ship from Japan at Ka Ho Port in Coloane on Sunday, will be carried out at the system’s Ocean Station in Taipa.
According to recent overseas media reports, “Bad Rabbit” uses a similar attacking method of another malware known as “Peyta”. “Bad Rabbit” is disguised as an Adobe Flash installer.
From January to September this year, the Cultural Industries Fund (FIC) granted a total of MOP124 million in financial support, FIC Administration Council member Davina Chu Miu Lai said on Thursday.
Starting from January next year, smoking within 10 meters of any bus stop will be banned. The director of the Health Bureau said that the SSM will coordinate with the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau to delineate the boundaries of non-smoking areas.
The subsidy scheme aimed to encourage residents to take language proficiency examinations to achieve a specific level.
The Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement on Tuesday that it has ordered the 90-day closure of the Mayo Medical Centre for allegedly providing vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment without a licence.
Last year saw the highest number of cases when 30 people were diagnosed with HIV since the first case was recorded in 1986.