CTM launched a new version of its cloud service that is powered by Shenzhen-based Tencent’s technology.
A project to renovate the undersea tunnel connecting Cotai with the University of Macau campus and improve the electromechanical equipment in the tunnel was slated to get off the ground in the first quarter of next year.
Chief Executive-designate Ho Iat Seng said in an interview that Macau would become an example of the nation’s reunification.
The Environmental Protection Bureau’s inspectors did not find any shops violating the government’s plastic carrier bag charge scheme for retail businesses which came into force on Monday.
The Court of Second Instance has rejected an appeal by a young local who requested his father pay him child support until the completion of his master’s degree course.
Macau residents enrolled in universities in Hong Kong urged to stay away from “violent incidents” and remain in their halls of residence, privately rented accommodation or any other safe place.
The government has been constantly carrying out “regular and necessary” maintenance and repairs on the Macau-Taipa Friendship Bridge, including the ongoing repairs to the support pedestals of the bridge.
The central government has announced 15 new steps – policies and measures – to support Macau’s role in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau GBA.
Facial recognition technology to be added to the police forces’ citywide CCTV camera system next year will only be used when the police investigate crime cases.