Two Hong Kong men who were undergoing their 14-day quarantine at the Sheraton Grand hotel in Cotai left their respective guestrooms for a chat in the corridor on Sunday, thereby breaching Macao’s official quarantine rules.
The government has rebooked the 450-room Treasure Hotel, which is located opposite the airport in Taipa, as a “quarantine hotel”.
The government has booked the 46-room Hotel London in the Inner Harbour area for its “closed-loop management” for crew members of cargo ships plying the Hong Kong-Macao route.
Lei Ka Chon, a member of the Central District Community Service Consultative Council, suggested on Wednesday that the government pay attention to the public security problem in Rua da Emenda (I Chi Kai).
The Transport Bureau (DSAT) released a statement on Tuesday regarding the rumoured “ghost bus” situation that is worrying some locals. The statement said that the bureau would pay close attention to the matter.
University of Hong Kong microbiologist suggested that wet markets should switch to electronic payments.
Hong Kong could expect another 85 new Covid-19 cases on Wednesday, a medical source said, although growing clusters at two wet markets mean fears of a wider outbreak remain.
The Legislative Assembly passed a government-initiated bill regulating its civil protection work, according to which those spreading rumours when “unforeseen public incidents” will face a prison term of up to three years.
Si Nei Na, deputy convener of the Taipa and Coloane Community Service Consultative Council, said that representatives from the Civil Protection and Operation Centre discussed the results of this year’s ‘Crystal Fish’ drill during the council’s regular meeting yesterday, adding that the centre was considering to add a “fallen window incident training” to the drill, in preparation for typhoon season.