More than 110 dogs are currently being sheltered by the Macau Association for Stray Dogs and Animal Welfare, but costs are mounting.
But no clues have been given as to the prices of the units, which are designed to help eligible permanent residents get on the property ladder.
Organised with high-level support from central government agencies, the event offers green-themed talks, discussions, exhibitions and business matchmaking.
Officials say the four-year Portuguese language course for Macao high school students will help them get the most out of their degrees.
The head of a local recycling operation adds that residents have become more environmentally aware and would probably be willing to pay for a home recycling service.
The 12-member body will give opinions on issues affecting the Portuguese community in Macao and Hong Kong and has already held its first meeting.
Members of a government appointed council say the government needs to step up resources and financial support for parents.
Macao’s population is rapidly ageing and researchers warn that the number of seniors dependent on family members is set to pose significant economic problems.
The traditional celebration is one of a number of festivals that have made a comeback with the easing of Covid curbs.