Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited today said that the show The House of Dancing Water “will continue to be closed in the next few months”.
The Legislative Assembly passed the outline of a government-initiated bill on fire safety in buildings and certain outdoor venues, proposing to give the Fire Services Bureau law enforcement powers to fine violators of fire safety regulations.
The Legislative Assembly (AL) on Thursday passed the outline of a government-initiated bill regulating the operation of the city’s wet markets, which proposes that residents who want to run a stall will have to bid for a licence, a change from the current practice in which available stalls are simply allocated through a lucky draw.
A 60-year-old local man who tested positive for Legionnaires’ disease on Sunday had been to a massage parlour in the mainland during the incubation period.
The government expects to start constructing a high-rise rental housing project for senior citizens in an area of Plot P in Areia Preta district by the end of this year.
The authorities will ban all unmanned aircraft activity over the peninsula during this year’s three-day Macau Grand Prix, which begins tomorrow, to ensure that the event will take place in a safe environment.
In the past 10 months, 1.06 million passengers have arrived in Macao by air with a 20% increase in the first half of this month compared with the same period of last month.
Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng said on Tuesday that only after Covid-19 vaccines are available can Macao’s economy and employment situation improve.
Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng said that the government has decided to go ahead with the Macau Grand Prix (MGP) this year amid the COVID-19 pandemic because it already decided last year to hold the annual motor-racing event in 2020 and signed agreements with the relevant contractors at that time.