A traffic accident occurred in which a non-resident worker was hit by a bus at the junction of Avenida da Praia Grande and Avenida do Infante D. Henrique in the city centre.
The government plans to keep the whole structure of the long-vacant Old Courthouse in the city centre intact.
The government-appointed Taipa and Coloane Community Service Consultative Council formed a “falling windows concern group” last year to gradually tackle the long-running issue in Taipa.
The government’s Interdepartmental Road Projects Coordination Group has received 363 applications for roadwork permits from government entities and public utilities to be carried out in the upcoming year, which is a 21 per cent increase year-on-year.
The government has purchased 1.2 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines developed by three vaccine developers — China National Pharmaceutical Group (also known as Sinopharm), Germany’s BioNTech and the Anglo-Swedish joint venture of AstraZeneca and Oxford University
Those required to undergo 14-day quarantine can opt to stay at a hotel of their choice – Sheraton Grand and the newly-completed Lisboeta, apart from the current six designated “quarantine hotels”.
Sister Juliana Devoy, director of the Good Shepherd Centre, passed away Monday morning.
Missionary and director of the Good Shepherd Centre in Macao, Sister Juliana Devoy led the fight against human trafficking in Macao.
For the safety of the general public in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 37th Macau Walk for a Million organised by the Charity Fund from the Readers of Macao Daily News was mostly held via WeChat on Sunday.