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Number of guests in Macao hotels decrease 72.5% in 2020

Macau hotels hosted 3.874 million people in 2020, which corresponds to an annual drop of 72.5%.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:40 am

Macao hotels hosted 3.874 million people in 2020, which corresponds to an annual drop of 72.5 per cent.

Official figures released today by the Statistic and Census Bureau (DSEC) also indicate that the number of guests from mainland China has dropped 72 per cent compared to 2019 to 2.760 million.

Conversely, there were 630,000 local guests, which represents an annual increase of more than 3 per cent.

The average occupancy rate stood at 29 per cent, 62 percentage points less than in the previous year.

In December, the average occupancy rate for the rooms was 53 per cent, which represents a recovery of 9.1 percentage points compared to November.

According to Radio Macau, the interior of China has reissued individual tourism visas to Macao, gradually, starting in August, but tours continue to be prohibited.”

In 2020, the number of visitors who came to Macao on tours dropped 97 per cent year-on-year to 263,000.

The number of residents who travelled abroad using services provided by travel agencies also decreased – in this case, 93 per cent, to a total of 125,000.

Of the latter, 73,000 went to the interior of China.

Macao has 120 hotels with 35,100 rooms at the end of 2020.

(Macao News)
Photo by Arch20

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:40 am

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