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Non-resident workers rise 3.8% to 193,470

The number of non-resident workers rose by 3.8% year-on-year to 193,470 at the end of September.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:42 am

The number of non-resident workers rose by 3.8 per cent year-on-year to 193,470 at the end of September, the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) announced on Monday.

According to the Macau Post Daily, Mainlanders (120,493) accounted for 62.3 per cent of the total number. The number of workers imported from Hong Kong and Taiwan stood at 4,758 and 1,655 respectively.

The number of Filipino and Vietnamese non-resident workers amounted to 32,954 and 14,983 respectively, making up the second and third biggest segments of the imported labour market.

Other major groups came from Indonesia (5,761), Nepal (4,324) and Myanmar (2,840).

There were also, among others, 162 non-resident workers from Australia, 213 from Japan, 148 from Canada, 246 from the US, and 125 from Singapore.

The total number of imported labour included 29,743 domestic helpers, mostly nationals from the Philippines (16,332), Vietnam (7,082), Indonesia (4,011), and Myanmar (1,493). Among others, 484 domestic helpers came from the Chinese mainland, four from Hong Kong and two from South Korea.

The largest imported labour segment was employed by hotels, restaurants and similar activities, totalling 54,329 at the end of September. Just 5 non-resident workers were employed by international and extraterritorial organisations and bodies.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:42 am

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