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New bids sought for Seac Pai Van LRT

Previous bids failed to come up to scratch; new tenders must complete the 1.6-kilometre line in 890 working days.



Previous bids failed to come up to scratch; new tenders must complete the 1.6-kilometre line in 890 working days.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:47 am

Bids are being invited once again for the construction of the Seac Pai Van section of the Light Rail Transit (LRT).

Bidders are required to submit their quotations to the Infrastructure Development Office (GDI) by 28 June. Bids will be unsealed the following day, The Macau Post Daily reported.

The GDI announced last month that it had decided to relaunch its public tender for the LRT Seac Pai Van section project, as 10 construction companies proposed quotations and construction periods that were “obviously lower and shorter than the reasonable levels” in the respective bids they submitted last year.

Seac Pai Van LRT artist rendering

The quotations proposed by the 10 bidders ranged from MOP 896 million to MOP 975 million.

The GDI had set a maximum period of 960 working days for the winning bidder to complete the project, but the construction periods proposed by the 10 bidders ranged from 490 to 820 working days.

The GDI had concluded that if the project’s construction contract had been granted to any of the 10 bidders, it was likely that it would have resulted in “serious” budget overruns and construction delays.

The GDI has now set a maximum period of 890 working days for the winning bidder to complete the project.

Seac Pai Van LRT artist rendering

The 1.6-kilometre-long Seac Pai Van section will connect the still-under-construction Cotai hospital complex – officially known as Islands Healthcare Complex – and the sprawling Seac Pai Van public housing estate in Coloane.

The Seac Pai Van section will only have two stations – one in Estrada do Istmo near the future Cotai hospital complex, and the other one in Estrada de Seac Pai Van outside the Seac Pai Van public housing estate.

In addition to the two stations – officially known as Islands Hospital station and Seac Pai Van station, a transfer station will be built on the LRT Taipa section for LRT passengers to transfer between the Taipa section and the Seac Pai Van section.

The future Islands Hospital station will be extended and connected to the transfer station on the Taipa section. The Lotus Checkpoint station on the Taipa section is the closest station to the future transfer station.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:47 am

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